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jennifer mills

Currently reading

Diary of a Bad Year
J. M. Coetzee
The Collected Stories
Eudora Welty

The springbok: Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmermann, 1780) (Transvaal Museum monograph)

The Springbok: Antidorcas Marsupialis (Zimmermann, 1780) - John D Skinner http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2854192.html

Damaged in Transit

Damaged in Transit - Mary Manning http://overland.org.au/blogs/poetry-fiction-reviews/2013/02/damaged-in-transit/

Review at Sydney Review of Books

Tamam Shud: The Somerton Man Mystery - Kerry Greenwood

<a href="http://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/tales-of-the-city/">http://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/tales-of-the-city/</a>

Alice Springs (The City Series)

Alice Springs - Eleanor Hogan http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/lifes-tough-in-a-town-like-alice-20121115-29d8l.html

The Weight of a Human Heart

The Weight of a Human Heart - Ryan O'Neill Playful with form, serious in content. An adventurous collection.

Life Kills

Life Kills - Miles Vertigan Bit repetitive, but great fun


Gaysia - Benjamin Law Funny, fascinating, moving.

The Anatomy of Wings

The Anatomy of Wings - Karen Foxlee Sad and very sweetly told.

The Courier's New Bicycle

The Courier's New Bicycle - Kim Westwood Great premise: hormones, animals, politics, gender. Fun, but doesn't quite dig enough; genre-nostalgic.

Amongst Women Pb

Amongst Women Pb - John McGahern Not a word out of place. If you only read one broody Irish novel about the tyranny of family, make it this one.

The Robber Bridegroom

The Robber Bridegroom - Eudora Welty A fine fairy tale.

The Fine Colour of Rust

The Fine Colour of Rust - Paddy O'Reilly Funny, charming story of rural battlers. A great read.

Get Well Soon!: My (Un)Brilliant Career as a Nurse

Get Well Soon! My (un)Brilliant Career As A Nurse - Kristy Chambers Nurses have the best stories. Chambers tells them with magnificent comic poise.

Adelaide (The City Series)

Adelaide - Kerryn Goldsworthy http://bit.ly/S3xvul

How a Moth Becomes a Boat

How a Moth Becomes a Boat - Josephine Rowe Rowe's voice is unique, her short short fiction delicately built. Looking forward to her new collection in August.

My Brilliant Career

My Brilliant Career - Miles Franklin I last read this as a teenager. Most of what annoyed me then I now find charming.